Why Foodies Must Also be Environmentalists

By Lyndal Cairns

Foodies and environmentalists don’t always get along. Environmentalists make compromises daily for sustainability. Foodies are known for being single-minded and ruthless in their search for the perfect meal. But I argue: If you love food, you must appreciate and respect the environment in which it was grown. And that means you have to make green…

The Hidden Cost of Cheap Clothing

By Lyndal Cairns

As I write this, I am wearing another woman’s pants. I’m wearing a second woman’s shirt. This isn’t some Fergus Brown-style fantasy but an effort to reduce my waste footprint while still trying to look stylish. Some of you probably find it a bit creepy to consider wearing someone else’s clothes. As my germaphobic workmate…

7 Environmental TED Talks to Educate, Energize and Entertain You

By Lyndal Cairns

It’s usually around the third drink that it happens. You’re in a bar, talking about a problem you’re having – whether it’s with your garage door-opener or the stubbornness of the human mind – when suddenly, you’re interrupted by your companion who breathlessly blurts out: “Oh, ooh! I saw this amazing thing in a TED…